动漫 h
影片简介:女同 t p
共和体制坍弛,星河帝国的暗影遮盖着天地端淑每一个边缘。为了加强对抵拒势力的弹压,塔金目的平直催生了一种足以糟塌星球的超等火器——死星,而物理科学家盖伦·厄索恰是死星的主要诡计者。厄索的儿子琴(菲丽希缇·琼斯 饰)在童年时期与父母资格了人情世故,之后她被抵拒组织首脑索•格雷拉服侍长大。成年后琴成为帝国的阶下囚,最终被抵拒组织救出。从格雷拉那边她得知父亲在死星中埋下了一个致命缺欠。相干词义军同盟的大广大东说念主王人不肯为了这一点但愿去冒险赴死,百般无奈之下琴和义军谍报官卡西安等东说念主孤身前去保藏着死星诡计图的星球,攸关全天地运说念的干戈拉开了序幕……
文爱电报1. He defected yesterday. 他昨天逃窜了。
2. We're up against the clock here. 咱们工夫未几。
3. Given the gravity of the situation and your history with Saw, we're hoping that he will help us locate your father. 洽商到情况的严重性以及你和索的渊源,咱们但愿他能帮咱们找到你父亲。
4. Trust goes both ways. 信任是互相的。
5. If the Senate gets wind of our project, countless systems will flock to the Rebellion. 要是征询院得知咱们的花样,会有无数的系统加入抵拒军。
6. Anyone who kills me or my friends will answer to Saw Gerrera. 任何杀掉我或我一又友的东说念主王人会被索•格雷拉问责。
7. He's rigged a trap inside it. 他在内部埋设了一个机关。
8. All I want to do right now is get a handle on what we're up against. 此刻我思作念的,等于了解咱们所勉强的是什么。
9. We have no recourse but to surrender. 咱们莫得任何宗旨,只可征服。
10. The odds are too great. 胜算太小。
Jyn: "War-Mantle, Cluster Prism, Blacksaber."
Cassian: What?
Jyn: "Stardust." That's it.
Cassian: How do you know that?女同 t p
Jyn: I know because it's me.
Imperial soldier: Hey, you! Identify yourself.
Bodhi: I can...
Imperial soldier: Incoming fire! Get cover!
Cassian: K, we need the file for Stardust.
K: Stardust.
Jyn: That's it.
Cassian: K?
K: Climb. Climb. You can still send the plans to the fleet. If they open the shield gate, you can broadcast from the tower. Locking the vault door now.
Cassian: K? K!
K: Goodbye.
Cassian: K!
Imperial officer: Sir, unauthorized access at the data vault.
Orson: What?
Imperial officer: It's just come in, sir.
Orson: Send my guard squadron into battle. Two men with me, now. Get that beach under control!
Cassian: Bodhi, are you there? Did you call the fleet?
Bodhi: I can't get to the shuttle. I can't plug in.
Cassian: You have to. They have to hit that gate. If the shield's open, we can send the plans.
Rebel Alliance officer: General, behind you!
Jyn: Step back.
Rebel Alliance officer(female): We're going down!
Rebel Alliance officer(male): Come on!
Bodhi: Melshi, Melshi. Come in, please.
Melshi: I'm tied in at my end.
Bodhi: I just need an open line.
Melshi: Hang on. The master switch. It's over near that console.
Rebel Alliance officer: I'm going!
Jyn: I've got it!
Cassian: Careful! You okay? Jyn!
Chirrut: I'm one with the Force, the Force is with me. I'm one with the Force, the Force is with me.
Baze: Chirrut!
Chirrut: I'm one with the Force and the Force is with me. I'm one with the Force, the Force is with me. I'm one with the Force, the Force is with me. I'm one with the Force, and the Force is with me. I'm one with the Force, and the Force is with me.
Baze: Chirrut! Come back!
Chirrut: I'm one with the Force...
Bodhi: Yes!
Cassian: Keep going! Keep going!
Jyn: Cassian!
(中国日报网英语点津 陈丹妮)女同 t p